Tuesday, February 23, 2016

An embarrassing trip to the hospital

Want to know the biggest reason I put off going to the hospital? Having to explain to a doctor, in great detail, that my rectum had been bleeding and I've been pooping several times a day, ugh. But I did, he asked a lot of questions that I did not want to answer but THANKFULLY he didn't want to look at my butt. He referred to me a Gastroenterologist at a bigger hospital, and sent me home. One thing he did say that worried me though, they would do a colonoscopy.

Don't know what that is? Neither did I, so when I got home I looked it up. Apparently they give you medicine that doesn't put you to sleep, but makes you 'loopy'. Then, they stick a camera in your butt and look all the way up through your digestive tract. Well that wasn't going to happen, so I never went. Strangely, my symptoms began to get better, so I didn't think much about skipping on the referral. However, the symptoms did return and I once again went to the hospital in Rutland. Once again I was given the same referral and this time, I went.

The hospital was Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) in Lebanon NH. I met a doctor there named Zilla Hussein, the nicest woman I've ever met. She made me much more comfortable, even drew me a pretty picture of my digestive tract! She told me I had Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and that, of course, I would need a colonoscopy to obtain a more accurate diagnosis. Now, it wasn't the procedure itself that worried me. I have this TERRIBLE fear of people looking at my....under carriage. Even my boyfriend, I don't like people seeing my butt or anything, let alone sticking a camera in it, WHILE I WAS AWAKE! Or, mostly awake as they would say. So I cried, I cried a lot. I waited the 2 weeks until the procedure and drove back to the hospital to get it done.

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